向植物工廠進軍 |
阮曉東 |
新經濟導刊 |
2016年06期 |
臺灣植物工廠產業發展與商業模式 |
方煒 |
農業工程技術 |
2016年13期 |
基于Linux的家用微型植物工廠 |
陳靜,李赫宇,于合龍 |
吉林農業大學學報 |
2016年04期 |
植物工廠值不值的推廣?水耕蔬菜安不安全、營不營養?來看專家看法 |
光電協進會 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2016年121期 |
淺談植物工廠在遠洋船舶上的應用前景 |
楊飛等人 |
農業科技管理 |
2016年03期 |
植物工廠專利趨勢與技術前沿分析 |
王俊傑、陳達仁 |
台灣農學會報 |
2015年16卷3期 |
不靠太陽不靠土 產量翻了幾十倍 |
劉剛文 |
江西農業 |
2015年02期 |
植物工廠冰水主機熱負荷監控實測與分析-以臺灣大學人工氣候室為例 |
嚴佳茹、陳宗德 |
物業管理學報 |
2015年6卷1期 |
植物工廠監控系統研發 |
許文昌等人 |
亞東學報 |
2015年35期 |
6月植物工廠展 打造綠色新世界 |
光電協進會 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2015年117期 |
次世代植物工廠展望機能性作物、藥用植物 |
陸韻翔 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2015年118期 |
2014植物工廠日本見學行 |
陸韻翔 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2015年115期 |
蔬菜植物工廠發展現況 |
高德錚 |
臺中區農業改良場特刊 |
2014年122期 |
植物工廠進"小城" |
高明 |
農家致富 |
2014年23期 |
基于植物工廠的未來生態家電發展趨勢探析 |
鄭曉婷 |
藝術生活-福州大學廈門工藝美術學院學報 |
2014年04期 |
詮興:打造植物工廠發展新方向 |
光電協進會 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2014年112期 |
家庭植物工廠滿足你的都市田園夢 |
黃馨儀 |
禪天下 |
2014年112期 |
植物工廠自動化環控與作業系統介紹 |
邱相文、黃禮棟 |
苗栗區農業專訊 |
2014年65期 |
臺灣植物工廠化的展望與人工光源扮演的角色 |
施昭彰 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2013年105期 |
台灣植物工廠展6月開張新商機在台紮根 |
范懷仁 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2013年105期 |
植物工廠推動農業企業化;跨界整合系統運用植物工廠發展新契機 |
陳芳堯、台灣植物工廠產業發展協會 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2013年105期 |
LED植物工廠產業概述;植物工廠的發展 |
陳吉宗、台灣三愛農業科技 |
光連:光電產業與技術情報 |
2013年105期 |
臺灣發展蔬菜植物工廠之契機 |
高德錚 |
臺中區農業改良場特刊 |
2013年116號 |
走進設施農業裝備的新時代 |
張強 |
高端農業裝備 |
2013年2期 |
植物工廠數字農業的革命 |
劉曉潔,楊劍坤 |
文明 |
2011年03期 |
台灣植物工廠現況與發展策略之分析 |
陳世銘等人 |
農業機械學刊 |
2011年20卷4期 |
全球立體農業與植物工廠發展趨勢 |
楊玉婷 |
農業生技產業季刊 |
2011年25期 |
嶄露頭角的植栽模式 全球立體農業與植物工廠發展趨勢 |
楊玉婷 |
臺灣經濟研究月刊 |
2011年34卷3期 |
臺灣農村的“植物工廠” |
向建國 、施春 |
農家之友 |
2010年8A期 |
智能型植物工廠 |
羅肖佳 |
技術與市場 |
2010年06期 |
日本打造無菌植物工廠 |
孝文 |
農產品市場周刊 |
2009年24期 |
探訪“植物工廠” |
李荔 |
農產品市場周刊 |
2009年45期 |
植物工廠妙處多 |
楊貴星 |
少兒科技 |
2009年02期 |
植物工廠 |
寧澄 |
科學啟蒙 |
2004年08期 |
植物工廠正在興起 |
秋林 |
高科技與產業化 |
2003年11期 |
植物工廠自動化介紹 |
陳加忠 |
技術服務 |
1995年6卷1期 |
Synergistic effects of light quality, carbon dioxide and nutrients on metabolite compositions of head lettuce under artificial growth conditions mimicking a plant factory. |
Miyagi Atsuko,Uchimiya Hirofum,Kawai-Yamada Mak |
Food Chemistry |
2017 |
Synergistic effects of light quality, carbon dioxide and nutrients on metabolite compositions of head lettuce under artificial growth conditions mimicking a plant factory |
Atsuko Miyagi, Hirofumi Uchimiya, Maki Kawai-Yamada |
Food Chemistry |
2017 |
Y. HASHIMOTO and W. DAY, Pergamon, Oxford |
Mathematical and Control Applications in Agriculture and Horticulture |
2017 |
High-Throughput Growth Prediction for Lactuca sativa L. Seedlings Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence in a Plant Factory with Artificial Lighting. |
Moriyuki, S., & Fukuda, H. |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2016 |
Improving Light Distribution by Zoom Lens for Electricity Savings in a Plant Factory with Light-Emitting Diodes. |
Li, K., Li, Z. P., & Yang, Q. C. |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2016 |
Detection of Diurnal Variation of Tomato Transcriptome through the Molecular Timetable Method in a Sunlight-Type Plant Factory. |
Higashi, T., Tanigaki, Y., Takayama, K., Nagano, A. J., Honjo, M. N., & Fukuda, H. |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2016 |
An Automatic Plant Growth Measurement System for Plant Factory |
Wei-Tai Chen, Yu-Hui Flora Yeh, Ting-Yu Liu, Ta-Te Lin |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2016 |
An Automated and Continuous Plant Weight Measurement System for Plant Factory |
Chen, W. T., Yeh, Y. H. F., Liu, T. Y., & Lin, T. T. |
Frontiers in Plant Science |
2016 |
A CFD study on improving air flow uniformity in indoor plant factory system. |
Ying Zhang,Murat Kacira ,Lingling An |
Biosystems Engineering |
2016 |
Effects of LED light on the production of strawberry during cultivation in a plastic greenhouse and in a growth chamber. |
Choi Hyo Gil,Moon Byoung Yong,Kang Nam Jun |
Scientia Horticulturae |
2015 |
Transcriptome Analysis of Plant Hormone-Related Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Genes in a Sunlight-Type Plant Factory. |
Tanigaki, Y., Higashi, T., Takayama, K., Nagano, A. J., Honjo, M. N., & Fukuda, H. |
Plos One |
2015 |
Sustainable Food and Fuel on Yongxing Island by Conversing the Carbon Captured from Ambient Air |
Jun Liu, Jie Huang, Mengxiang Fang, Tao Wang, Zhongyang Luo |
Energy Procedia |
2015 |
The Latest Development of Laser Application Research in Plant Factory |
Haruhiko Murase |
Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia |
2015 |
Induction of a dwarf phenotype with IBH1 may enable increased production of plant-made pharmaceuticals in plant factory conditions.
Nagatoshi, Y., Ikeda, M., Kishi, H., Hiratsu, K., Muraguchi, A., & Ohme-Takagi, M. |
Plant Biotechnology Journal |
2015 |
Evaluation of wheat growth, morphological characteristics, biomass yield and quality in Lunar Palace-1, plant factory, green house and field systems. |
Dong, C., Shao, L. Z., Fu, Y. M., Wang, M. J., Xie, B. Z., Yu, J., & Liu, H. |
Acta Astronautica |
2015 |
A sustainable vegetable supply chain using plant factories in Taiwanese markets: A Nash–Cournot model |
Ming-Che Hu, Yu-Hui Chen, Li-Chun Huang |
International Journal of Production Economics |
2014 |
Design and implementation of an integrated management system in a plant factory to save energy. |
Kwon Sook-Youn,Ryu Seuc-Ho,Lim Jae-Hyun |
Cluster Computing |
2014 |
On application of a new hybrid maximum power point tracking (MPPT) based photovoltaic system to the closed plant factory |
Joe-Air Jiang, Yu-Li Su, Jyh-Cherng Shieh, Kun-Chang Kuo, Tzu-Shiang Lin, Ta-Te Lin, Wei Fang, Jui-Jen Chou, Jen-Cheng Wang |
Applied Energy |
2014 |
Applications of Intelligent Machine Vision in Plant Factory |
Yusuf Hendrawan, Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, Haruhiko Murase |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2014 |
Good reasons to dare plant-factories |
Francois Arcand |
Journal of Biotechnology |
2014 |
Effect of different durations of root area chilling on the nutritional quality of spinach, |
Ayana Ito, Hiroshi Shimizu, Hiroshi Nakashima, Juro Miyasaka, Katsuaki Ohdoi |
IFAC Proceedings |
2014 |
Cultivation of Lettuce and Considerations of Suitable Item in Plant Factory Adopted Automatic Transportation System |
J. Park, K. Nakamura, Y. Nishiura, H. Murase |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2013 |
Resource use efficiency of closed plant production system with artificial light: Concept, estimation and application to plant factory |
Kozai, T. |
Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B-Physical and Biological Sciences |
2013 |
Effects of Airflow for Lettuce Growth in the Plant Factory with an Electric Turntable |
Toru Nishikawa, Hirokazu Fukuda, Haruhiko Murase |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2013 |
Lettuce growth prediction in plant factory using image processing technology |
Myeong H. Kim, Eun G. Choi, Gyeong Y. Baek, Chi H. Kim, Byeong O. Jink, Byeong E. Moon, Byeong E. Moon, Dong E. Kim, Hyeon T. Kim |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2013 |
Optimal Arrangement of the Dry-Heat Sterilizer in a Plant Factory, |
Ryouhei Masuishi, Hirokazu Fukuda, Haruhiko Murase |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2013 |
Development of Micro Precision Irrigation System in Plant Factory |
Yusuf Hendrawan, Haruhiko Murase |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2013 |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of circadian clock in lettuce |
Kazuya Ukai, Haruhiko Murase, Hirokazu Fukuda |
IFAC Proceedings |
2013 |
Effect of Acclimation of Root Area to Low Temperature on Nutritional Quality of Spinach |
Ayana Ito, Hiroshi Shimizu, Ryosuke Hiroki, Hiroshi Nakashima, Juro Miyasaka, Katsuaki Ohdoi, |
IFAC Proceedings |
2013 |
Optimal Environmental Condition for Moss production in plant factory system, |
J.E. Park, H. Murase |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2011 |
Light Environment Optimization for Lettuce Growth in Plant Factory |
Hiroshi Shimizu, Yuta Saito, Hiroshi Nakashima, Juro Miyasaka, Katsuaki Ohdoi |
IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
2011 |
Multiscale modelling of postharvest storage of fruit and vegetables in a plant factory context |
Josse De Baerdemaeker, Mulugeta A. Delele, Pieter Verboven, Bart M. Nicolaï |
IFAC Proceedings |
2011 |
The effect of light quality on growth of lettuce |
Yuta SAITO, Hiroshi SHIMIZU, Hiroshi NAKASHIMA, Juro MIYASAKA, Katsuaki OHDOI |
IFAC Proceedings |
2010 |
Feasibility assessment of the use of power plant-sourced waste heat for plant factory heating considering spatial configuration |
Takuya Togawa, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Liang Dong, Minoru Fujii, Makoto Ooba |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
2009 |
Water Irrigation Control for Sunagoke Moss Using Intelligent Image Analysis |
Yusuf Hendrawan, Haruhiko Murase |
IFAC Proceedings |
2008 |
Lingling An, A CFD study on improving air flow uniformity in indoor plant factory system |
Ying Zhang, Murat Kacira, Lingling An |
Biosystems Engineering |
2007 |
Optimal control of crop spacing in a plant factory. |
Ioslovich, I., & Gutman, P. O. |
Automatica |
Time Course of the Expression of the CaMV35S-GUS Gene in Transgenic Lettuce Plants Grown in a Plant Factory, Engineering in Agriculture |
Tsuyoshi Okayama, Kenichi Okamura, Haruhiko Murase |
Environment and Food |
1991 |