CSR discovery leadership : society, science and shared value consciousness |
Diane L. Swanson |
2018 |
658.408 S972 |
E0204011 |
Managing corporate responsibility in the real world : lessons from the frontline of CSR |
Jouko Kuisma |
2018 |
658.408 K96 |
E0204017 |
Corporate social responsibility : academic insights and impacts |
Stephen Vertigans, Samuel O. Idowu |
2017 |
658.408 C822-10 |
E0199027 |
企業永續基石 : 企業社會責任與非財務資訊揭露 |
申永順 |
2016 |
494 8665-2(2) 2016 |
C0745824 |
CSR and sustainability : from the margins to the mainstream : a textbook |
Michael Hopkins |
2016 |
658.408 H795 |
E0194433 |
The changing nature of corporate social responsibility : CSR and development in context-- the case of Mauritius |
Renginee Pillay |
2015 |
658.408 P641 |
E0194061 |
企業社會責任年鑑 |
經濟日報 |
2015 |
494.058 8645 2015 |
C0728693 |
The true value of CSR : corporate identity and stakeholder perceptions |
Barbara Fryzel |
2015 |
658.408 T866 |
E0190614 |
Advertising and PR in China from the perspective of CSR : a functional comparative study |
Mudassar H. Shah, Chen Xianhong |
2015 |
659.10951 S525 |
E0194389 |
The changing nature of corporate social responsibility : CSR and development in context-- the case of Mauritius |
Renginee Pillay |
2015 |
658.408 P641 |
E0194061 |
Corporate social responsibility, private law and global supply chains |
Andreas Ruhmkorf |
2015 |
658.408 R933 |
E0195162 |
制度環境與企業社會責任行為 |
张会芹 |
2014 |
494 8766 2014 |
C0719673 |
企業永續DNA : CSR創利 |
張明輝, 吳德豐 |
2014 |
490.15 8756 2014 |
C0728684 |
企業社會責任前沿文獻導讀 |
李偉陽, 肖紅軍, 鄭若娟 |
2013 |
490.15 1456 |
C0690240 |
公共治理結構中的企業社會責任 : 基於社會防衛的治理 |
甘峰 |
2013 |
494 1289-2 |
C0689274 |
現代企業社會責任 |
孫繼榮 |
2013 |
490.15 4494 |
C0690577 |
企業社會責任的經濟學倫理學分析 |
伍旭中 |
2012 |
490.15 3532-2 |
C0689961 |
Corporate social responsibility and the welfare state : the historical and contemporary role of CSR in the mixed economy of welfare |
Jeanette Brejning |
2012 |
658.408 B835 |
E0183910 |
日本企業の国際化、情報化、活性化、CSRのために : 成功の事例と事業者思想の回顧 |
簗場保行 |
2011 |
494 8969 2011 |
J0031862 |
The relation between CSR and financial performance : a static and dynamic Panel Data Analysis |
Charles Corthouts |
2011 |
330 C828 |
E0191818 |
企業倫理與企業社會責任 |
孫震 |
2009 |
198.49 4494(3) |
C0581376 |
企業社會責任實務全書 : 第四代企業的價值驅動優勢 |
錢為家 |
2009 |
490.15 3070 |
C0569369 |
企業社會責任入門手冊 |
林宜諄 |
2008 |
494 1380-27 |
C0554507 |
賴英照說法 : 從內線交易到企業社會責任 |
賴英照 |
2007 |
548.546 1580 |
C0510281 |