首頁>國際學院>主題資源>國際學院_擴增實境 Augmented Reality: 博碩士論文
1. 擴增實境虛擬體驗在購買意圖之效果-以傢俱展示APP為例 (The Effect of Augmented Reality Virtual Experience on Purchase Intention: The Case of Furniture Exhibition APP)
2. O2O商業模式對品牌價值之影響:以擴增實境為干擾 (The Impacts of O2O Business Model on Brand Value:Moderating By Augmented Reality)
3. 擴增實境技術應用於互動式學習系統開發之研究 (The Application of Augmented Reality in Interactive Learning System)
4. 使用擴增實境於行動學習App之建置 (Using Augmented Reality build to mobile learning App)