職場處處有貴人 : 打造全方位的人際網絡
六度間神奇人脈 : 全方位人脈網絡經營術 = Six degrees of separation
人际沟通分析学 : 一种有效提升交往能力的心理学理论
泛自閉症者的社交能力訓練 : 學校沒有教的人際互動法則
好關係是麻煩出來的 : 寫給每個人的社交能力書 = Good relationship
跟任何人都能打.好.關.係 : 把平凡聯絡人變超強人脈的整理課
氣場的力量 = The secret of charisma : 人際吸引力使用秘笈 : 氣場=個人魅力+氣質+影響力
人際關係與溝通技巧 = Interpersonal relationships and communication skills
コミュニケーション・スキル : 対人関係改善の処方箋 = Communication skills for interperson relations
暢行天下的女人口才書 : 23堂課增強妳的社交能力
Communication & interpersonal skills in nursing
Interpersonal skills in organizations
Interpersonal skills for hospitality management
Developments in interpersonal skills training
ICPM interpersonal skills for the manager
Communication & interpersonal skills in social work
Communication and interpersonal skills for nurses
Interpersonal skills for travel and tourism
Training in interpersonal skills : TIPS for managing people at work
Interpersonal skills training : a sourcebook of activities for trainers
Social skills in interpersonal communication
Messages : building interpersonal communication skills
Inter-act : using interpersonal communication skills
Human relations : interpersonal job-oriented skills
Interpersonal relationships : professional communication skills for nurses
APA handbook of interpersonal communication