資產選擇_TED Talks

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How do investors choose stocks? 

Turning anxiety into an asset 

Put a value on nature! 

Wasting away of assets 

What is economic value, and who creates it? 

Corporate Culture – Leader's Secret Asset 

How does the stock market work? 

Why you should think about financial independence and mini-retirements 

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow 

Life is Non-fungible: The Evolution of Ownership, Assets, and Us 

You may be accidentally investing in cigarette companies 

How Digital Assets are Changing the Future of 'Value' 

Let's get honest about our money problems 

Impact Investing: Your money doing good in the world – and your wallet 

the true cost of financial dependence 

Your Journey is an Asset, not a Liability 

6 ways to improve your relationship with money 

The future of investing 

How do investors choose stocks? 

 Dynamic Pricing

Why we make bad financial choices -- even when we know better 

True price: towards a new pricing system

Saving for tomorrow, tomorrow 

The Power of Stock Market Investment

Could your language affect your ability to save money? 

Trading robots

3 psychological tricks to help you save money 

Debunking Stock Investment Myths

Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income

A Step-by-Step Guide for the Average Person to Start Investing with an Investment Bank 

Sell your crap. Pay your debt. Do what you love.

True Family Wealth: Beyond Financial Success

The emotions behind your money habits 

Impact Investing: Your money doing good in the world – and your wallet

An honest look at the personal finance crisis 

Accomplishing Financial Well-Being...the Kids Way 

10 steps to boost your financial health -- that you can do in a day 

The Psychology Of Money And Spending It 

Let's get honest about our money problems

Why Most People Fail at Financial Planning! It's not what You Think! 


Finding the Funny in Financial Literacy 


Financial Empowerment 


one life-changing class you never took


How to share public money fairly 


Why 2.5 billion heartbeats might change the way you think about money


The Future of Finance is Female 


The Driving Force Behind Money Management