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序號 |
平台 |
書名 |
1 |
TAEBDC Airitibooks 2018 |
學歷遊戲學校沒有教的事 |
2 |
TAEBDC AiritiBooks 2019 |
從玩家涉入程度探討行動裝置遊戲設計的魅力因素 |
3 |
TAEBDC HyRead eBooks 2015 |
程式設計(程式語言) |
4 |
TAEBDC Wiley eBooks 2018 |
Expert Android Studio |
5 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2016 |
IOS Penetration Testing:A Definitive Guide to IOS Security |
6 |
TAEBDC Cambridge Books Online (CBO) 2010 |
The assumed authorial unity of Luke and Acts a reassessment of the evidence |
7 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2012 |
Learn Cocos2d 2:Game Development for IOS |
8 |
TAEBDC Wiley eBooks 2017 |
NAND Flash Memory Technologies |
9 |
TAEBDC CRC netBase eBooks 2013 |
Game engine gems |