首頁>國際學院>主題資源>國際學院_求職與就業 Employment: 博碩士論文
1. 用於求職網站的混合式回饋推薦系統 (A Hybrid Feedback Recommender System for Job Seeker)
2. 高中職軍訓教官『生涯轉換、再就業阻礙、再就業動機、生涯規劃行為』之研究 (A Study of Military Training Instructor in Senior High Schools:Career Conversion,Reemployment Retardation, Reemployment Motivation,Career Planning Behavior)
3. 英語系實習生後設認知策略使用、自我效能及就業力之研究 (A Study on English Major Internship Students’ Metacognitive Strategy Use, Self-Efficacy, and Employability)
4. 廠商成長、就業與創新異質性之研究 (The Relationship Between Heterogeneous Innovation and Firm Performance– Empirical Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry)
5. 應用視訊處理技術於智能障礙工作者之職場社交技巧訓練:以麥當勞職場為例 (Applying Video Processing Technology to the Social Skills Training of Intelligent Barrier Workers: Taking McDonald's Workplace as an Example)