

圖書資源 電子書 資料庫 期刊 專題研究

有關 製造程序 的館藏相關分類號如下:



083.6 普通叢書 620 Engineering & allied oprations
440.35 金屬材料 620.4 Engineering for specific kinds of geographic environments, fine particle and remote control technology, surface engineering
441.5 房屋建築學 Architecture of building and house 621.8 Machine engineering
446.82 製造程序 Manufacturing process 621.9 Tools
467.4 合成樹脂 Phenolics;塑膠 Plastics 624.1 Structural engineering and underground construction
471 精密機械工藝 Precision instruments 670 Manufacturing
472.1 鍛工 Forging smithing 671.3 Machining metal
484.5 電機業 Electrical industry;電子 零組件業 Electronic parts and components industry 681.6 Printers and printing presses
964 工業美術 Industrial arts 686.2 Printing

