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序號 |
平台 |
書名 |
1 |
TAEBDC AiritiBooks 2016 |
高值合金材料之技術布局及應用發展策略 |
2 |
TAEBDC Airitibooks 2018 |
2013金屬製品業年鑑:表面處理篇 |
3 |
TAEBDC AiritiBooks 2020 |
數控編程與加工實訓教程 |
4 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2011 |
Manugactuting Process Design and Costing An Integrated Approach |
5 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2015 |
Advances in Metallic Biomaterials:Tissues,Materials and Biological Reactions |
6 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2016 |
Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing & Casting |
7 |
TAEBDC Elsevier ScienceDirect Books 2014 |
Surface treament of materials for adhesive bonding |
8 |
TAEBDC Elsevier ScienceDirect Books 2013 |
Plastic product material and process selection handbook |
9 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2017 |
Sustainable Machining |
10 |
TAEBDC Elsevier ScienceDirect Books 2016 |
Rapid prototyping ofbiomaterials: principles and applications |