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序號 |
平台 |
書名 |
1 |
TAEBDC HyRead eBooks 2016 |
行家這樣做出好服務 |
2 |
TAEBDC Airitibooks 2018 |
服務行銷管理:服務業經營的關鍵 |
3 |
TAEBDC Library & eBooks 2011 |
同樣的天空:智障服務及家庭工作的新藍圖 |
4 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2019 (Open Access) |
China's White-Collar Wave Service indusrty Trends |
5 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2015 |
Service Parts Planning with SAP SCM Processes,Structures,and Functions |
6 |
TAEBDC Springer eBooks 2020 |
Service manafement:theory and practice |
7 |
deslibris |
Blueprint for Calgary's Settlement Service System |